Registered Sanitarian Exam Information

Wisconsin Environmental Health Association:  Registered Sanitarian Exam Information.

What is a Registered Sanitarian?

Becoming a Registered Sanitarian confirms the individual possesses knowledge on a variety of environmental and public health issues and can properly take corrective action to protect human health. Registered sanitarians work in the public and private sectors. Many are employed by state and local government in regulatory programs such as food protection, hazardous substances, product safety, housing, institutional health and safety, radiation protection, recreational areas and waters, solid waste management, vector control, water quality, wastewater technology and management, hazardous waste management or industrial hygiene.

What are the qualifications to become a RS?

Minimum requirements are present for an individual seeking to become a Wisconsin Registered Sanitarian.
Click here to view the minimum requirements.

Applicants interested in obtaining a Wisconsin Registered Sanitarian certification must submit the following materials to the Wisconsin Department of Safety & Professional Services Registered Sanitarian Advisory Committee.

1) Evidence of training and experience. Click here to view education and training criteria. 

2) Two letters of reference from persons other than relatives who have personal knowledge of the applicant’s education or experience in the field of environmental health.

The State of Wisconsin Department of Safety & Professional Services distributes and accepts applications for Registered Sanitarian. Click here for the application forms. The Registered Sanitarian Advisory Committee reviews applicants’ transcripts and work history prior to granting eligibility to take the Registered Sanitarian examination. Work history should be described in great detail by the applicant to assure full credit is given.

What examination is used?

Since April 2007, the Department of Safety & Professional Services uses the NEHA REHS/RS examination. Once the Registered Sanitarian Advisory Committee approves the application, a confirmation letter will be returned to the applicant. This letter must be forwarded to NEHA requesting a date and time to take the examination.

How often is the RS examination given in Wisconsin?

National Environmental Health Organization (NEHA) offers a variety of methods to take the REHS/RS exam (Click here for the NEHA Candidate Information Brochure). Numerous locations are scheduled by NEHA throughout the US and examinations are administered at some state affiliate and regional meetings. NEHA also allows individuals to use Professional Testing (PTI) computer program to take the exam. The applicant can set their own date to take the exam. NEHA will send a voucher to the applicant, which will allow the admission at the requested location. Click here for more information and to find testing locations near you.

How do I apply for the examination?

The State of Wisconsin Department of Safety & Professional Services distributes and accepts applictions for Registered Sanitarian. Click here for the application forms. Submissions may be made at anytime.

How do I prepare for the examination? 

  1. WEHA RS / REHS Study Trunk

  2. NEHA has a list of study materials that can help prepare you for the exam. 

  3. Talking with other Environmental Health Professionals who have taken the exam may also be helpful.

Pertinent Links

State Administrative Code related to Registered Sanitarians SPS 174-177 

State Statute related to Sanitarians 440.98 

Department of Safety & Professional Services 

National Environmental Health Association